Remove the steaks from the refrigerator 30 minutes prior to grilling.
Set up your grill for two-zone grilling.
One side should be high heat over a direct flame.
The other side should have no coals or be turned off.
Coat the ribeye steaks all over with olive oil.
Season generously with salt and pepper.
Pat the seasoning into the meat.
Clean your grill grate and coat it with some oil using soaked paper towels held between tongs.
Place the ribeye steaks on the hottest part of the grill.
Sear the steaks for 5 minutes with the top open.
Be mindful of flame flares from dripping fat.
When that occurs, move the steaks to the cooler side of the grill until the flame dies down.
Move back to the heat and continue cooking for the full 5 minutes.
Flip the steaks over with the tongs and sear the other side over high heat for another 5 minutes, being mindful of the flares.
You are looking for a nice crust and an internal temperature of 130°F, when checked with a digital thermometer.
Remove the steaks from the grill to a clean cutting board.
Tent with foil and allow to rest for 5 minutes before serving.