Barbecue has a very special way of bringing people closer together. Every time you share a meal and a memory with your friends or family, your relationship becomes just a little bit deeper. Grill Master University gives you an opportunity to Win A Free Steak Dinner on us! All you need to do is share your story about how barbecue made an impact on the relationships in your life! You may not think that your story is inspiring or worth sharing…but we do and we want to hear it! We’ll be sharing them on the blog over the course of the next few posts, so make sure to check back in and get some more BBQ inspiration!

Love the q. I have a pellet stove and small kamado. Just made a brisket yesterday in 12o wrather
Danville, PA
Hello all, i'm addicted to cooking on the grill. Charcoal is my preference, cast iron is my only choice for pots and pans, and smoking meats a passion, cooking in general is my passion. People freinds and family love my dishes so i get frequent visits. Its a great topic of conversation almost anywhere, however watching people enjoy what ive prepared completes my little circle. Sunday smoking a brisket or kabobs or beer can chicken is my favorite. Ive been cooking and grilling since i was 12 when my fater taught me, never stopped. It is an art for me. Thank you for allowing me to share and grill on.
Cherry Hill, NJ
In most ways, it's a net positive. I was a barbecue novice before last Easter, when my parents visited. I made all the horrific mistakes, including putting the water pan on the wrong level (under the ham!), putting KC-style homemade bbq sauce all over the ham while smoking (It basically caramelized), and fretting about temperature with a pre-cooked ham (it was spiral sliced.) But, as I did more research, I began to gain in confidence. I've done ribs, I've done Boston Butt, I've done chicken, I've done sausages (hand stuffed sausages, even!), and I've even conquered the almighty brisket, all on my Weber Kettle grill. My wife, who disdains the amount of doting I offer the protein slowly smoking on the grill often (reluctantly) comments "you can do that again real soon" once she's actually tasted it. She even goes after leftovers, which is usually a bridge too far for her. I have friends whose go-to rib recipe involves apple juice and a slow cooker asking me for tips on getting in to the smoking game. As someone who assumes he is terrible at everything, it's been rewarding to trust that if I keep the grill between 225-250, everything's gonna work out fine.
Columbus, OH
Barbecue not only brings my family closer, but also my professional learning community (PLN) from around the country. My family comes over any time I barbecue. Also, my teaching PLN has even created a #EduMeat online class so we can share different ways of barbecuing. Check it out on Twitter! Search #EduMeat

Bakersfield, CA
We hope these stories will inspire you to send us your memories, traditions, and experience! Check out the Contest page for more information, get your writing mojo, crack your knuckles and get to writing us The Email that can win you a Free Steak Dinner!